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Probably Cheap Rolex Replica is the first to use a magnifying glass on a watch crystal to improve the ability of the wearer to see the date. They are most likely to use this technology first, although it is unclear whether they invented the concept. Since Rolex began to use the magnifying glass, it was a controversial watch function. Although most people do not need to zoom in on the lens to read the date, but when you want to know the date, this is a good supplement. For some people, the date is too small to read, without squinting.

Rolex put the magnifying glass on the Submariner watch and Datejust model. Date and magnifying glass placement where the special choice, because if the left hand side of the watch, then the first part of the watch out from the sleeves, you can quickly reference the date. Almost all of the Rolex Replica Watches clone models begin to copy this design function because it is an integral feature of the watch.

Magnifier lens is not a disadvantage. Many people do not like them for two reasons. The first is that they tend to attract scratches and flaws. From the flat crystal rise, the lens of the collision just have more opportunities to rub things. Second, many people from the aesthetic point of view do not like them. Indeed, the magnifying glass may reduce the symmetry of the Rolex Replica, and when looking at the side of the watch looks very strange.

In response to this, many people began to remove the magnifying glass by various types of customization, and the Rolex Replica Watches manufacturer finally made a model with and without a magnifying glass. So the consumer has two choices, either a cleaner appearance, or a date indicator that is easier to see.

The next step in the magnification of the window is very clever, giving the result almost obvious. The watch manufacturer picks up the magnifying glass and places it in the bottom of the crystal, not the top. By reversing the lens, in this new direction to enlarge, there is no protrusion at the top of the crystal can get the same effect. You can see this feature on some of the more expensive Replica Watches. Several noteworthy are the zodiac Defy series, the Louis Vuitton Tambour series and the Chopard Mille Miglia series watch models. This inverted magnifying lens function is not limited to these models and should be found on many newer watches. Over time, these new lenses will definitely appear on less expensive models.

In order to achieve this reversal of the lens effect, the surface must have enough clearance and crystal. With the increasing size of the Cheap Replica Watches, this is usually not a problem, the inverted lens is actually smaller than the crystal above. Needless to say, this feature is very clever and the best work for the people who want a visually handy clean watch for the people who offer the best of both worlds.